主页 / Cooperating Organic Farms / Colibri - Marina & Vassilis 27

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Marina and Vassilis are partners in both life and work. They live in the island of Naxos, in the Cylcades, Greece.
Vassilis abandoned a job of civil engineering to become an organic farmer and Marina used to work in France in popular and environmental education.

They both came to the uses of plants for the necessity to reconnect with the therapeutic uses of plants, first for themselves and then turned a common interest into a professional project. They acquired their skills and knowledges about herbs by self-teaching, seminars, and from persons who shared their knowledges with them.

The plants are wild-harvested by hand in selected areas in Naxos and Peloponnese, as far as possible from any kind of pollution and urbanized areas. The collect of the herbs is done, as much as possible, according to the moon calendar. The distillations are done in a small stainless steel still and the essential oils are then stored in dark glass bottles.